January 22
Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year)
Collective leave day
January 23
(*footnote 1)
Isra Miraj
February 18
Ascension day of the Prophet Muhammad
Hari Raya Nyepi
March 22
Hindu New Year / Balinese New Year
Collective leave day
March 23
(*footnote 1)
Good Friday
April 7
A day to commemorate Jesus Christ's crucifixion.
Collective leave day
April 19–21
(*footnote 1)
Hari Raya Puasa
April 22–23
The end of Ramadan, October 1–2 Islamic calendar
Collective leave day
April 24–25
(*footnote 1)
Labour Day
May 1
International labor day
Ascension Day
May 18
The anniversary of the Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Pancasila Day
June 1
Panchasila is the national policy of Indonesia.
Collective leave day
June 2
(*footnote 1)
Waisak Day
June 4
Buddha's Birthday, April 15 Lunar calendar
Collective leave day
June 28
(*footnote 1)
Idul Adha
June 29
Feast of Sacrifice, December 10 Islamic calendar
Collective leave day
June 30
(*footnote 1)
Islamic New Year
July 19
Hijri New Year
Independence Day
August 17
The anniversary of the Indonesia's Proclamation of Independence on 17 August 1945.
September 28
The birthday of Prophet Muhammad, March 12 Islamic Calendar
Christmas Day
December 25
The anniversary of Jesus Christ's birth.
Collective leave day
December 26
(*footnote 1)